First was hurricane Irene that whipped through the Northeast causing all sorts of damage. Duxbury caught the edge of it and we had 72mph gusts howling through. Lots of downed trees and limbs and loss of electricity for 4 days. The poor people who were in the direct path as it went North suffered terrible damage. Some towns in Maine were completely cut off for days.
Dominic had a birthday!
Eight years old - that certainly flew by :)
My sister and her partner came to visit for two weeks. We had a great time getting to know one and other and touring the area.
We did the tourist thing and ate at "Cheers" :)
Isabel started playing Soccer. It's so cute to see the little girls running around in a bunch after the ball! She plays very well and will probably be keeping it up in the Spring. Dominic is in year two of the Cub Scouts - I believe he is a Wolf Scout this year. Isabel has just started Daisies, Brownies in England
Back to school and Dominic has to be at the bus stop by 7am. That's is proving a little tough. Isabel is finally in Kindergarten and very happy as she has homework too now. They are both doing well. Dominic is working on this project today. The kids (8 year's old) were told to come up with a business idea, build a prototype, and create advertising for their product. They will give a talk on what they had developed and why everyone should buy one. I think in 2nd grade I was still trying to conquer the 9 times table!
Last weekend we had an early snowstorm. Not too bad here, just a dusting, but in Connecticut they got slammed. Mandy had a good 18" of heavy snow overnight on Sunday and lost all her power, including the heat. Halloween was Monday and of course it was cancelled as there were no street lights and piles of snow and broken branches everywhere. On Tuesday I called her and she bundled up the kids and came to us for a few days. Thursday was Derek's 72nd birthday and he was delighted to have his whole family here. She went back home yesterday and managed to get the heat working. No electricity until Sunday at the earliest.
I have been working hard to catch up on my Swaps with Milliande Art Community. Needless to say I had to join a couple more for Christmas.
Thanksgiving here we come !! :)